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It's an act of faith to stand before the community and lead. Whether you enjoy reading Scripture, leading prayers, or are a more behind-the-scenes servant, we have ways to use your passion in worshiping God.
Front of worship: Assisting minister, musician, read Scripture, Usher (hand out bulletins, help at offering), or as a Communion assistant.
Behind-the-scenes: Set up Communion, sound booth/power point operator (training provided), count offering, rotation in the nursery, lead education hour for children.
If something is meaningful to you through the week, we'd like to honor it in worship. If there's a common struggle you or others face, your voice matters. This is more than singing our favorite hymns and songs, it's about listening to the ways God wants to nourish our souls.
Contact Pastor Curt if you would like to plan a specific season, or if your gifts and passion lead us elsewhere.
God meets with us in worship and in making plans.
Join our council to be part of visioning for the future, addressing the challenges and opportunities ahead of us now, and lead others into living out God's kingdom in this community.
meet with others to encourage deeper faith
for those with a little time who want to serve
bring something back, try something new?
We're in transition - the perfect time...
"Faith" is not a stationary concept. Meeting God's living and breathing "Word" (Jesus Christ) moves us to do good for others, to try new things, to discover new life in the Spirit, and live in a new hope.
Reading and reflecting on the upcoming Sunday's Scriptures gives us a chance to hear God's Word with our own ears, experience, and study before Sunday morning.
Each Sunday we hear Scripture from the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and a complementary Psalm, a new Testament reading from the letters to the early church, and a Gospel reading of God's action through Jesus. Sermons are preached on these Scriptures - not an external agenda.
More than a Sunday morning faith we do by ourselves, we seek to make connections in all areas of our lives.
We meet God where we are and hear words of grace, forgiveness, and new life that impact the way we live the rest of the week.
By sharing in worship, in conversations after worship over coffee and treats, in small groups and Bible studies and crafting projects, we are being knit together into one body in Christ. We learn from and support one another in our walk with Jesus.
Faith is not all emotion, Belief is not all head-knowledge. We strive to engage body, mind, and spirit in worship and conversation so in all the ups and downs and dry spots of life, we learn to trust God.
God has a wide embrace that puts us all on level ground. We most fully reflect the body of Christ when all God's beloved children are present: race, gender identity, physical abilities, sexual orientation, relationship status, age, and all other categories we find ourselves in or excluded from - you are not excluded here.
We use these ways to build up faith and resilience through trusting God
K - grade 7: learn and play with Bible stories and what they mean in our life
grades 8 - 9: Confirmation: an intense look at the foundations of faith
10th grade through adults: learn from one another as we discover the Bible through growing-up eyes
Whether you're new to church or if you've grown up in the faith; if you're a child or decidedly much older, we all have questions about God, worship, and community. These playful events after church bring all ages together for lunch, a little learning, and a lot of creative play.
Even in a pandemic, we share responsibility for leading worship. Many choose to read Scripture, lead prayers, or more behind-the-scenes serving by running the power point, counting the offering, or working on small projects during the week.
Begun in the 1980's, this mission works to reestablish self-esteem and a self-sustaining community for the Kuwaa people after 14 years of civil war and unsafe living had taken their toll. We are helping them rebuild around safe drinking water, health clinics, sanitary living conditions, and reestablishing farming and animal husbandry. Our current project: sewing reusable menstruation kits to give "days" back to girls. We've made over 500 kits.
Reaching out in God's love to lift up and care for one another
In partnership with the Food Bank, we receive orders for emergency food boxes from 10-11:30am every Wednesday for those in the North Pole, Salcha, and Moose Creek areas. The Food Bank delivers the food to Lord of Life at 12:15pm for pick-up.
We financially support the Food Bank.
On a rotating schedule with other North Pole churches, we make and package 45 lunches for North Pole Elementary and High School youth. (Lunches typically include 2 PB&J sandwiches, Cup o'Soups, cheese sticks, fruit cups, juice boxes, crackers, and cookies.) We also provide snacks to teachers at the North Pole Middle School.
Helping Hands (fka Love INC) pools resources and ministries of local churches and makes them available to people in the community. They screen clients and match programs and resources with needs, working to help individuals and families become self-sufficient.
We provide free firewood to those in need and participate in Helping Hands' successful permanent housing program, Loving Families.
The Rescue Mission serves those experiencing homelessness in the North Star Borough. They provide emergency shelter, recovery programs, veteran programs, and many other services. We financially support them.
Begun and administered by St. Jude's volunteers, the North Pole Food Pantry serves all in need of food. Along with other North Pole churches, we collect non-perishable food items that are stored at St. Jude's until a need arises.